Saturday 9 February 2013

The Penduline Swings

 Penduline Tit.

I was just loading my car up with my birding gear as i planned a  birding session at Stodmarsh when the pager bleeped into action with the news of a Penduline Tit showing well near the Alder wood at Stodmarsh , wow  my first thoughts were , " will it stay long enough for me to get there ? " , so without haste i was on my way and before long i was parked up in the reserve car park and heading for the Alder woods , there were 3 other birders there and they informed me it had just flown off out of sight about a minute ago , damn blast and a few other words crossed my mind to be honest , i am having a bit of a birders burn out at the moment and this could be the bird to kick me into action again , so i was not best pleased to have missed it , however i ventured further around the broad walk and saw a smart little Goldcrest then i headed back to the area of reeds where the Penduline had been seen earlier , whilst i was chatting to the only other birder there i heard the Penduline Tit calling and i soon saw it in a nearby bush behind us and i quickly put the other birder onto it , yes i was so pleased to see this smart bird , its not a lifer or even a patch tick but it was just an amazing bird to see.

Rear view of this beauty .

The Penduline Tit gave some amazing views but every time i tried to get a photo there seemed to be a twig or a bit of reed in the way , but hey who's complaining , i watched this bird on and off for nearly an hour then walked back through the woods and had a Robin almost land on my camera lens .


I heard a Treecreeper before i located it as it climbed up a distant tree than out of sight plus a flyover Siskin was good to add to my year list , i walked back along the Lampen Wall and looked over the lake , plenty of the regular wildfowl you would expect to see plus a single female Marsh Harrier  was quartering over the reed bed , i decided to have one more look at the Penduline Tit and although i again saw it well at times it was quite flighty and was keeping fairly low so i left the assembled birders to it and headed back to my car and heard a Lesser Redpoll fly over but didn't see it .