Wednesday 9 August 2023

New Bird for my Oare Marsh Bird List

                                                 2nd August 2023 ;  Oare Marshes.


Pectoral Sandpiper.

I received a phone call from my birding pal Richard informing me that Murray had just found a Pectoral Sandpiper roosting with Redshanks on one of the Islands near the road , so without haste i grabbed my birding gear and headed to Oare Marshes.

I followed Geoff Burton along the entrance road and we duly arrived together to hear the news ,'' It's just flown out of sight'', don't you just love that phrase !!!!

We were assured it hadn't flown off completely and therefore the search to relocate it had begun , some 45 minutes later still no sign !!!

Pectoral Sandpiper with Redshank.

A dustbin lorry went past the pull-in disturbing everything & did the same on it's return journey, hopefully this would help us re find the Pec !!

We continued to search the area and then thankfully Murray refound the Pectoral Sandpiper in front of the Cormorant Island .

What a relief , some really great views through the scope and i happily added this smart wader to my OMLL , great find Murray !!

Pectoral Sandpiper.

The Bonaparte's Gull is now starting to moult and as of last Saturday (5th) it look like this.

Moulting around the face

Grey nape.

Bonaparte's Gull.