Thursday 19 October 2017

Two Barred Greenish Warbler in Dorset

Two Barred Greenish Warbler Photo by Chris Craig.

Yesterday the 18th October i teamed up with RR and headed to St. Aldhelm's Head in Dorset and the target bird was a 1st w Two Barred Greenish Warbler which had been present for 3 days & counting , it was first thought to have been an Arctic Warbler until Dorset birder  Brett Spencer expertly re-identified it as a Two Barred Greenish Warbler  on the 17th. 

A straight forward journey got us on site at approx 9am and the news was positive the TBGW was still present , we made our way down to the quarry and joined the mass of birders already present , we more or less saw the TBGW straight away but the view was very brief and certainly not good enough to be certain of id , then the shout went up it was showing on the other side of the trees, we dashed round there but had no luck.

I decided the best course of action was to stay in one place which paid of as i had several brief views and a couple of really good views seeing all the id features that make this a Two Barred Greenish Warbler.

Sadly i never managed a photo , i was just not quick enough with my camera plus i was really trying to see all the key id features and of course just enjoying watching the bird.

Many thanks to Chris Craig who did manage a photo and very kindly has allowed me to use his photo on my blog.

There were several Firecrest amongst the trees which showed really well.


Two Barred Greenish Warbler is currently a sub species of Greenish Warbler but will soon be made a full species in it's own right when the BOU adopt the IOC listing system in January.


Saturday 7 October 2017

Wilson's Phalarope Re-visited at Oare Marshes

                                                     6th October 2017

Wilson's Phalarope

I paid another visit to Oare Marshes last Friday the 6th October to try and get better views of the Wilson's Phalarope and was pleasantly surprised that it was quite close to the road.

Here are a selection of photos i took:

Following a Teal.

The Wilson's Phalarope spent alot of time following various different Teal picking off small insects in their wake , a really clever feeding behaviour.

Often flushed.

Having a real good poke around.

Coming into land.

Having a preen.

In flight alongside a Golden Plover.

Wilson's Phalarope & Long Billed Dowitcher.

I tried to get an in focus photo of the Wilson's Phalarope & Long Billed Dowitcher together but one or the over was always just out of focus.

Wilson's Phalarope.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Wilson's Phalarope 1st for Oare Plus Lapland at Bishopstone

3rd October   2017  Oare Marshes

1st winter Wilsons Phalarope.

News reached me yesterday the 3rd October that a possible Wilson's Phalarope had been seen on the East flood at Oare Marshes , so without haste i grabbed by birding gear and headed straight there and sure enough in the middle of the flood near the reedy island was a cracking 1st winter Wilson's Phalarope !!!!

Such smart looking waders.

I was reliably informed this was a 1st record for Oare Marshes , i have been lucky enough to have seen 3 previous Wilson's Phalaropes  (2 in Kent) but this was by far the best views i have had of one in Kent.

I had really great views through the scope to be able to age this bird but it never really came close enough to get decent photos, all my photos are Digi scoped.

Wilson's Phalarope.

There was a great selection of waders on the East flood including 1 ad & 2 juv Little Stints and 3 juv Curlew Sandpipers, the Long Billed Dowitcher was also showing well close to the road.

Long Billed Dowitcher.

There was also a Black Necked Grebe in Faversham Creek plus i saw 2 Clouded Yellows on route to look at the Grebe.

Black Necked Grebe.

Clouded Yellow.

30th September 2017  Bishopstone

Lapland Bunting.

On the 30th September i called into Bishopstone near Reculver to see the Lapland Bunting which was very confiding to say the least.

Here are a selection of photos i took :

Lapland Bunting.