Monday 12 August 2019

Squacco Heron & Little Bustard in the Same Week

                                   5th August 2019 : Halsey's Farm Pagham

Adult Squacco Heron.

I teamed up with a couple of birding friends and headed to Halsey's Farm in Pagham in the hope of seeing the Adult Squacco Heron, news was positive , the Heron had been seen in flight but only one of our group had seen it !!! (not me) !!

We had to wait a couple of more hours before the Squacco Heron re-appeared (whilst i was at the car getting supplies !!!) but fear not i got back in time to see the Squacco Heron very well indeed thankfully.

Squacco Heron.

A really great looking bird and one of my favourite Heron species, this was a new bird for 2 of our group.

The Squacco Heron was busy feeding and walking through this field for quite sometime before it decided to fly off towards a nearby pond and out of view.

Squacco Heron in flight.

Other birds of note were 2 adult Cattle Egrets in a nearby field plus several Little Egrets & Grey Herons plus 15+ Whimbrel overhead.

We also saw at Siddlesham ferry Wood & Common Sandpiper.

8th August 2019 : Mickletown Ing's

Little Bustard.

A trip to West Yorkshire to hopefully see the ♂ Little Bustard was taken on Thursday 8th August and thankfully news was positive on the journey , we arrived in good time and saw the Little Bustard straight away as it strutted about in it's favoured field.

Distant but great scope views.

The Little Bustard would often disappear down into a small ditch at the back of the field but with patience it would eventually come out into the open and show us all how great it looks.

Digi scoped Little Bustard.

I think this bird is believed to be the one from Slimbridge (I have no idea myself ??) however it certainly showed much better than it did at Slimbridge , just like to thank the local bird group and the farmer who arranged and allowed access to see this superb bird.