Wednesday 28 January 2015

Bossenden Wood & Brief visit to Oare

Blue Tit.

I met up with Chidders at Bossenden Wood yesterday afternoon the 27th January for a session photographing woodland birds , Chidders showed me what settings to use on my camera which i really appreciate , thanks Chiddy .

Coal Tit showing it's white crown & nape stripe.

Coal Tit.

There were lots of Tit species as you would expect mainly Blue & Great Tits but also at least 2 Coal Tits put in an appearance.

One of many Great Tits.

There was also male & female Chaffinch a single Robin and a single Treecreeper which was seen on a few occasions and i was very lucky to get a photo of as Chiddy couldn't see it from his position.



However the star of the show was a stunning Nuthatch which came into feed and showed very well, here is a small selection of photo's i took.


A really enjoyable session and thanks again for your help with camera settings Chiddy , from here we made a quick visit to Oare and birds of note were : Barn Owl , Kingfisher , Marsh Harrier and really good numbers of Pintail.

Male & Female Pintail's.