Monday 4 January 2016

New Year Birding ......... Dungeness & Pett Level

Glossy Ibis at Pett Level.

I started the New Year off on the 1st at Pett Level then headed to Dungeness , i saw the often elusive Glossy Ibis more or less straight away , lots of waders were also present , mostly Curlew , Lapwing , Redshank and 2 Ruff.

I then headed to Dungeness sea front and after awhile  i managed to see a 1st winter Caspian Gull & an adult Yellow Legged Gull both from the road , my next stop was Dungeness Rspb reserve where i saw the wintering Long Eared Owl.

Long Eared Owl roosting.

Digi scoped photo of Long Eared Owl.

There were lots of wildfowl on the reserve , mainly Shoveler , Wigeon , Gadwall , Pochard & a several Goldeneye & a single redhead Smew.

There were lots of Tree Sparrows around by the feeders near the entrance of the reserve.

Tree Sparrow near the feeders.

I made my final stop at Scotney and had decent views of a Black Necked Grebe plus good numbers of Greylag Geese however despite searching i couldn't locate the Tundra Bean Goose.

Black Necked Grebe at Scotney.


  1. As you would expect, the ibis looks like it came straight from a wall of Egyptian hieroglyphics

  2. Nice write up Rob. Nice to have good views of the LEO.

  3. Good start to the New Year Rob and nice shots of sightings.

    1. Thanks Bernie , best day of the year for birding , everything is new


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