Saturday 20 October 2018

GREY CATBIRD .... in Cornwall

Grey Catbird

Yesterday the 19th October 2018 i headed down to Treeve moor near Land's End in Cornwall with RR in the hope of seeing the GREY CATBIRD.

We arrived on site just before 7am and walked around the right hand side of the farm and waited with baited breath for day light and the Grey Catbird to hopefully appear .

There were lot's of Redwing & Skylark overhead plus several Meadow Pipits & a Brambling called but i could not see it.

We also saw 2 Chough which were a very welcome year tick.

However at approx 7.45am someone further down from us heard the Grey Catbird call and not long after we were greeted with  a great view of this only 2nd ever record of  Grey Catbird in the UK.

Dark grey plumage with black cap.

We watched the Grey Catbird on & off for over an hour with some truly great views , it was calling quite abit ,overall dark grey plumage with paler grey face .

Red undertail coverts (honest).

Red undertail coverts and broad dark grey tail were easily seen , it flew further up the hill and begun to feed under the berry bushes giving some more great views

Feeding underneath brambles.

Grey Catbird.

Grey Catbird  (shaky video)

On the way back we called into Drift reservoir and saw the 3 Ring necked Ducks which were a bit distant but a welcome addition to my year list , many thanks to Richard for a great day out.