Monday 6 June 2022

Recent Kent Highlights

                                     27th May  2022  :    Worth  Marshes


Eleonora's Falcon.

Where else to start than Worth Marshes , having seen the Eleonora's Falcon briefly the previous day (26th) from Restharrow scrape news that it had been re-found at Worth Marshes by AL & ND had us heading out there later in the day for much better views.

Eleonora's Falcon.

Also present on the 27th May at Worth Marshes was a superb 1st summer Red-Footed Falcon.

Red-Footed Falcon.

30th May 2022 :  South Foreland

After only having a very brief view of the Sardinian Warbler on Saturday afternoon (28th) and not even hearing it call or in song left me feeling a bit disappointed , although i saw the bird the view was very poor and in all honesty and after alot of soul searching  i really felt i could not add it to my Kent Bird List on those views.

However another early morning trip on Monday the 30th was very successful, the Sardinian Warbler was heard in song several times plus i also heard it call frequently , i did see it in flight several times and perched briefly in a bush, so i can now happily with a clear conscience add it to my Kent Bird List !!!   

2nd June 2022  :  Worth Marshes

Eleonora's Falcon.

I couldn't resist another look at this magnificent bird at Worth Marshes which has delighted so many people during it's stay , not only is it a first record for Kent but i believe it's the first ever twitchable  Eleonora's in the UK .

Eleonora's Falcon.

There was also a very good supporting cast including a Honey Buzzard over the car park plus several Hobby over Great Wood and the Red Footed Falcon also flew over the car park.

Distinctive white head.

Red Footed Falcon.

As i write this the last sighting of the Eleonora's Falcon was on Saturday morning (4th June) and the last sighting of the  Red Footed Falcon was on Saturday afternoon also on the 4th June.

Many thanks to the RSPB  & SBBO for arranging & manning the car parking on site.