Friday 24 February 2023

Local Birding Highlights for February

                                       February Birding Highlights  2023

                                                  DENGE  WOODS


Marsh Tit sunning itself.

      Marsh Tit was the obvious highlight here , we also heard and saw several Firecrest , Siskin & 2 Lesser Redpoll flew over. The Marsh Tits were quite vocal including one bird which was in full song sunning itself out in the open.


In full song.

Marsh Tit.


1 of 2  Little Owls at Godmershem.

A couple of visits to Godmersham in February produced superb views of 2 Little Owls plus a huge flock of Chaffinch which had at least 6 Brambling (including 3♂).

However the main attraction at Godmersham was Hawfinch and we were lucky enough to see at least 3 birds, always high up in the trees but cracking views through the scope were obtained.

Digi scoped .


Several visits to Bossenden Woods produced 2 Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers , i heard only and another seen well.

Good numbers of Treecreepers (5+) plus Nuthatch, Coal Tit & Firecrest were all seen well.

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker.


Snow Bunting

Having a preen

Wing & Tail stretching.

Snow Bunting.

I had cracking views of the Snow Buntings at Reculver on several dates varying in number from 5 to 8 birds in total. Other highlights at this site included Short eared Owl, Velvet & Common Scoter, Black Redstart & Bewick's Swan.

Black Redstart.


Oare Marshes is my local patch and we have seen some cracking birds already this year, Water & Rock Pipit , Greenshank, Barn Owl, Merlin , Great white Egret (2), Spoonbill , Dartford Warbler  Bittern & Hen Harrier to name but a few !!!

Male Hen Harrier .



A couple of visits to Stodmarsh produced distant but good scope views of the female Ring necked Duck which was like many a new species for me in the Valley 

Digi scoped record shot of the Ring Necked Duck.

A local twitch to Elmstone near Preston village produced some cracking views of the recently found Hume's Leaf Warbler !!

Sadly i never managed a photo as it was far to quick for me but did enjoy some great views and also heard it call frequently. Congrats to the finder Xavier Taylor !!!



  1. Great set of birds for the Month Rob. Good to see you and Andrew last weekend ,


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