Glaucous Gull juv/1stw.
A little bit out of sequence with this blog post , however on 14th February i popped down to Dover Harbour in the hope of seeing the recently reported Glaucous Gull , i walked along the pier with no sign as i could not get a clear view of the Hoverport area so walked back along the pier and looked through the wire fence and thankfully saw the Glaucous Gull from there , here are a few digi scoped photos of the bird.
Pink based with black tipped bill.
Lovely white wings.
Really big bird.
Glaucous Gull.
There has been a lot of conversation about the age of this bird , some saying Juv and others saying 1st winter , it doesn't look as biscuit coloured as some juvs i have seen in the past however i would probably go with a juv going into 1st winter plumage , so basically i am sitting on the fence with this one