Saturday 25 November 2017

Green-Winged Teal .. 2nd Record for Oare Marshes

Green Winged Teal.

On the 23rd November i called into Oare Marshes in the hope of seeing the ♂ Green Winged Teal , i parked up in the pull-in and scanned across the East flood for about half an hour and although there were plenty of Teal the Green Winged Teal was playing hard to get !!!

I bumped into Murray who informed me he had seen the GWT earlier but it was flushed and he hadn't seen it since , i decided to check from the Faversham creek side as there were more Teal around that side of the flood (Can't remember seeing this amount of Teal here before?!).

Record shot of the GWT

I reached the sea wall and more or less saw the Green Winged Teal straight away as it was having a preen near the reedy Island out in the middle of the flood , surprisingly hard to pick up amongst the Teal , it took me about an hour to locate it but thankfully i had decent scope views in the end and happily added it to my Oare Marsh  & Year lists !!

Having a preen.

I also saw the long staying Long Billed Dowitcher and 1 Little Stint.

I saw the Green Winged Teal again early on the 24th as well more or less in the same area as on the 23rd out in the middle of the East Flood, I also heard a Chiffchaff in the bushes by the car park.

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