Sunday 21 November 2010

Dungeness site tick.........Plus Pett levels

Glaucous Gull juv. tailless wonder .

I had a really great days birding  on Saturday 20th at Dungeness  as i tried to  see the tail less juv. Glaucous Gull , as i arrived near the fishing boats news came out on the pager of a Yellow-Browed Warbler in the trapping area near the obs , i decided to head straight there which was no less then 5 mins from where i was , i arrived on site and was told that it had just disappeared into the top of the canopy , then another birder came around from the other side to say it was showing from there , we all went around but it was nowhere to be seen , we all spread around the small clump of trees / bushes and i managed to pick it out quite low down heading into the upper canopy  , it showed really well at times , although it never stayed still long enough to get a photo .

There was also a couple of really smart Firecrests here to , from here i headed back to the fishing boats and put in about an hour without connecting with the Glaucous gull , i did see 6 Red-Throated Divers , 20 Common Scoters & Guillemot on the sea  , lots of Gannets and Kittiwakes moving up and down the beach , i decided to head to the point but had no luck there either on the way back to the reserve i spotted a large amount of large gulls by the fishing boats so i parked up and on the way there i picked out the Glaucous Gull which was a very much wanted year tick   !

The fact it had no tail did not seem to hinder it at all , a really smart bird .

I then made my way to the Rspb reserve to use their facilities and to see what was on the reserve , the bird that caught my eye was a Brambling which was coming to the feeders in the car park , really brightly coloured and a site tick for me .

I did not have much daylight left so i decided to head straight to Pett levels and try and see the Grey Phalarope and Snow Bunting which had been seen there over the last few days , well i was not disappointed , the Grey Phalarope was seen instantly i got out of the car , really amazing birds to see , it was constantly going round and around in a circle stirring up a whirl pool so it could pick of any thing that it fancied to eat , i got some photos :

Grey Phalarope.

I also completed this great days birding with a very showy Snow Bunting .

Snow Bunting.

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